We are proud to provide our services to a diverse array of clients on numerous types of projects. Here is a sampling of organizations that we have worked with.
Alaska Staff Development Network
- Alaska RTI/MTSS Effective Instruction Conference, Evaluation 2012 to present
- Annual Professional Development Assessment, Evaluation 2012 to 2017
Arctic Research Consortium of the United States
- PolarTREC | Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating, funded by the National Science Foundation – Evaluation 2007 to present
- Joint Antarctic School Expedition, funded by the National Science Foundation – Evaluation 2014
- Climate Change: Seeing, Understanding, and Teaching, Professional Development Field Camp in Denali National Park – Evaluation 2014
- The Arctic in the Classroom: Partnering Scientists, Educators, and Communities to Improve Arctic Education – Evaluation 2016 to present
Association of Interior Native Educators
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska
- Success through Education and Cultural Connection, funded by the U.S. Department of Education – Evaluation 2012 to present
- Grant Writing and Program Development 2000 to 2018
Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
- Alaska Native Student Success Project to develop a dropout prevention model for the Juneau, Sitka, and Ketchikan school districts, funded by the U.S. Department of Education – Evaluation 2007 to 2010
Cook Inlet Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse (CICADA)
- Homer Prevention Project to reduce underage drinking, funded by a Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF-SIG) from the State of Alaska, Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Behavioral Health – Evaluation 2011 to 2014
Doyon Foundation
- Doyon Languages Online, funded by the U.S. Department of Education and the Administration for Native Americans – Grant Writing/Program Planning 2015 to 2016
- Our Language Grant – Needs Assessment 2018
Fairbanks Counseling and Adoption
- Grant writing and program development for behavioral health programs, family preservation and support programs, and programs for runaway and homeless youth – 2006 to 2015
Fairbanks North Star Borough
- Early Childhood Development Commission to develop a home visiting program for the borough – Grant Writing and Program Development 2014
Fairbanks Wellness Coalition
- Suicide Prevention Needs Assessment, funded by a Comprehensive Prevention and Early Intervention Services Grant from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Behavioral Health – Needs Assessment 2015
- Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan, funded by a Comprehensive Prevention and Early Intervention Services Grant from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Behavioral Health – Strategic Planning 2016
- Suicide Prevention Project Evaluation, funded by a Comprehensive Prevention and Early Intervention Services Grant from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Behavioral Health – Evaluation 2016 to present
- Prescription Opioid Misuse and Heroin User Prevention Needs Assessment, funded by a Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success grant from the State of from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Behavioral Health – Needs Assessment 2017
- Prescription Opioid Misuse and Heroin User Prevention Strategic Plan, funded by a Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success grant from the State of from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Behavioral Health – Strategic Planning 2017
- Prescription Opioid Misuse and Heroin User Prevention Evaluation, funded by a Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success grant from the State of from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Behavioral Health – Evaluation 2017 to present
- Fairbanks North Star Borough Behavioral Health Services Assessment: A Local Perspective, funded by a Comprehensive Prevention and Early Intervention Services Grant from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Behavioral Health – Needs Assessment 2018
Family Centered Services of Alaska
- Grant writing and program development for youth behavioral health programs from 2012 to present
Galena City School District
- Project TEAM to increase math achievement and student understanding of the role of math in everyday life, funded by the U.S. Department of Education – Evaluation 2015 to 2018
- Strategic Plan Stakeholder Survey to gather community perceptions about the district’s strategic plan and its goals – Evaluation 2017
Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living
- Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Teen Dating Violence Prevention, Needs Assessment, Strategic Planning, and Evaluation, funded by a Community-Based Primary Prevention Programs Grant from the Council on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault (CDVSA) – 2018 to 2012
Juneau School District
- Next Generation: Our Kids, Our Community high school education plan implementation evaluation – Evaluation 2009 to 2011
Kachemak Bay Family Planning Clinic
- Evaluation Training for youth outreach staff – 2015
MAPP of the Southern Kenai Peninsula
- MAPP Steering Committee Interviews and Report – Evaluation 2014 to 2015
North Slope Borough
- Barrow Logistics Support Assessment Survey to assess the effectiveness of logistics support provided to researchers and to improve future services – Evaluation 2009
Resource Center for Parents and Children
- Grant writing and program development for family services programs and WIC (Women, Infant, and Children) programs – 2007 to present
South Peninsula Haven House
- Haven House Prevention Programs funded by a Community-Based Primary Prevention Programs Grant from the Council on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault (CDVSA) – Evaluation 2015 to Present
- Community Readiness Assessment Training, funded by a Community-Based Primary Prevention Programs Grant from the Council on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault (CDVSA) – Needs Assessment 2018
Tanana Chiefs Conference
- Grant writing and program development for behavioral health programs, health programs, technology, rural health clinic facilities, Legacy of Our Elders, Housing First, Sobering Center, Hunting and Fishing Task Force, Head Start, youth development programs, substance abuse prevention programs, cultural programs – 2007 to present
- Chronically Homeless Needs Assessment: A Preliminary Assessment of the Behavioral Health and Other Service Needs of the Chronically Homeless Population in Fairbanks Alaska, funded by the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority – Needs Assessment 2016
- TCC Housing First Program – Evaluation 2011 to 2014
University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Arctic and Earth SIGNs, funded by the National Aeronautical Services Administration (NASA) to train teachers, 4-H leaders, and community members on climate change concepts, culturally-responsive curriculum, and environmental observing protocols in face-to-face and online courses – Evaluation 2016 through 2020
- Winterberry Evaluation, funded by the National Science Foundation to provide a citizen science project where University of Alaska Fairbanks scientists and community volunteers investigate how shifting seasons could affect when berries are available to animals and people – Evaluation 2017 through 2021
- Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP) Climate and Weather Resources Survey to evaluate user perceptions of three ACCAP decision support tools used for weather and climate-related decision-making: Historical Sea Ice Atlas, Weather and Climate Highlights tool and the Alaska Climate Dispatch – Evaluation 2015
- Modern Blanket Toss, funded by the National Science Foundation to help underserved students develop an interest in STEM fields through the use of technology that can directly improve the well-being of Alaskans – Evaluation 2013 to 2016
- Colors of Nature, funded by the National Science Foundation blended art and science through programs for students, families, and educators – Evaluation 2013 to 2017
- GK-12 CASE (Changing Alaska Science Education), funded by the National Science Foundation partnered science graduate teaching fellows with K-12 teachers in the state of Alaska. Over the course of six years, graduate fellows worked in the classroom alongside teachers to help teach hands-on science and to make science more relevant to students – Evaluation 2012 to 2016
- Portable Planetarium project was funded by the National Aeronautical Services Administration (NASA) to increase K-12 students’ interest in science and in space exploration and NASA’s mission, as well as their knowledge about celestial motions that result from the Earth’s daily rotation on its axis in combination with the Earth’s orbit around the Sun on its tilted axis – Evaluation 2012 to 2014
- Hot Times in Cold Places: The Hidden World of Permafrost, was funded by the National Science Foundation to develop a traveling museum exhibition at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, develop education products for rural Alaska community, and conduct research about the value of real objects in informal science learning – Evaluation 2014 to 2018
- Arctic Climate Modeling Program, funded by the National Science Foundation to increase student science achievement in the Bering Strait School District – Evaluation 2006 to 2009
- Science Teacher Education Program, funded by the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development to increase the content knowledge of teachers in space physics, global climate research, and earth science topics; and to increase teachers’ ability to use Alaska Science Content Standards to teach and use Alaska Grade Level Expectations to guide assessments – Evaluation 2006 to 2009
University of Alaska Museum of the North
- Arts Resource Community Residencies, funded by the National Endowment for the Arts – Evaluation 2004-2005
- A Sense of Alaska, funded to assist in the development, interpretation, and public access of UA Museum objects and to facilitate teacher integration of objects and primary documents into their classroom instruction by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Learning Opportunities Grant Program – Evaluation 2003-2005
- Northern Journeys project, funded to develop an on-line educational resource incorporating the interpretation of museum objects into classroom activities by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Technology Opportunities Program Grant – Evaluation 2001-2003
- Expedition Alaska: Adventures in Museum Science exhibit evaluation – Evaluation 2017-2018
Yakutat Tlingit Tribe
- YTT Prevention Project to reduce underage drinking, funded by a Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF-SIG) from the State of Alaska, Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Behavioral Health – Evaluation 2013 to 2015
Yukon-Koyukuk School District
- aksci.org Science Literacy Project (aSLP) was funded by the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development to strengthen teacher science instruction skills and improve student outcomes – Evaluation 2012-2015
- Build our Bridges, was funded by the U.S. Department of Education to expand the district’s Career Technical Education program focusing on occupations associated with health science industry – Evaluation 2012-2015
- Building Solid Foundations project, was funded by the U.S. Department of Education was designed to address the significant needs related to mental health, substance abuse, and violence in the YKSD communities and schools – Evaluation 2012-2015
- Expanding Our Horizons, was funded by the U.S. Department of Education to address Alaska Native students’ English language learning needs – Evaluation 2009 to 2018
- On the Move Physical Education Program, was funded by the U.S. Department of Education to provide additional interventions focused on promoting students healthy lifestyle choices – Evaluation 2011 to 2015
- Pre-K Program, was funded by the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development and the U.S. Department of Education provided preschool education in four YKSD school sites – Evaluation 2013 to 2016
- Virtual Careers Project Evaluation, was funded by the U.S. Department of Education to further expand the district’s Career Technical Education program focusing on occupations associated with health science industry and the education field – Evaluation 2013-2018
- STEM-CTE Connect was funded by the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development to provide professional development focused on active and interdisciplinary learning of STEM-CTE concepts, to implement engineering design activities responsive to community needs with K-8th grade students, and to better understand CTE career opportunities and the educational pathways – Evaluation 2016 to 2017
- Making Math Meaningful Evaluation was funded by the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development to provide professional development for math instruction – Evaluation 2017 to 2018
- Starting Strong Evaluation was funded by the U.S. Department of Education to improve the college and career readiness of Alaska Native and American Indian students in ten rural Alaska Native communities in YKSD – Evaluation 2017 to 2020