The Project
Doyon Foundation has requested Goldstream Group, Inc. to develop a needs assessment plan to examine how well the Doyon Foundation’s Our Language grants are meeting the needs of language learners of the Doyon region’s 10 Native languages. Doyon’s Our Language grants have been distributed since 2013; they were administered by Doyon, Limited in 2013-2015, and have been administered by Doyon Foundation since 2016. Not all grantees complete their projects, and final reports are not submitted for all completed projects. Doyon Foundation seeks to better understand trends among projects both completed and uncompleted, so as to better support awardees as they bring their respective language projects to life.
Our Work
The needs assessment organized application and other data from 2013-2017, coded and input that data into Excel, and used Excel functionality such as pivot tables to explore and describe myriad trends related to applications, funding, and project completion.
Through a thorough assessment of the grant’s application, funding, and project completion history, a data-driven description of trends can now be used to inform future funding choices, support for applicants, and potentially development of more overarching programmatic or other structure around supporting language revitalization throughout the Doyon region.